Last week United States President Joe Biden announced a plan to pardon people convicted of federal cannabis possession charges. It is estimated that the decision will affect roughly 6,500 people.
One question that seems to be lingering out there is what happens to future federal cannabis enforcement practices? Will people still be subjected to arrest and federal charges if/when they are caught possessing cannabis on federal property in the U.S.?
Only time will tell if that proves to be the case. Regardless, cannabis still remains a Schedule I substance in the U.S., although part of President Biden’s announcement involved tasking leaders of his related departments to examine cannabis’ current federal classification level.
The move by President Biden is being criticized by some and being hailed by others. One person that is giving praise to the decision is current the current president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro.
“The White House takes a fundamental step to change the vision of the fight against drugs. The user of marijuana will not be treated as a criminal.” President Petro tweeted days after the announcing of pardons (translated to English).
Cannabis reform is on the move in Petro’s country in addition to other parts of the planet. Colombian lawmakers recently approved a cannabis legalization measure in committee, which is something that President Petro has pushed for. The measure has a long road ahead, however, the fact that it was approved at the committee level is encouraging.
Colombia has long served as a top source for unregulated cannabis, and continues to be so to some extent. Fortunately, there are people in the country working to get the nation on the right side of history, not the least of which is the country’s president.