Tag: Germany

cookie cookies edible infused edibles

Germany’s Health Minister Should Not Be Scared Of Legal Cannabis Edibles

Cannabis-infused edibles are not only a growing sector of the emerging legal cannabis industry; they play a vital role in boosting public health outcomes. After all, it is no secret that a lot of consumers light cannabis flower on fire and inhale the smoke. While cannabis smoke is not the same as tobacco smoke, it’s still better in nearly every instance for someone to refrain from inhaling smoke and instead consume something in a smokeless form.

To be clear, I am not shaming anyone for smoking cannabis, and I will be the first to point out that I do it myself every single day. For many consumers, it’s the easiest and most affordable way to consume cannabis. With that being said, legal cannabis edibles are a vital component of any winning cannabis public policy strategy that is geared towards boosting public health outcomes, such as what is being pursued in Germany.

German ministers unveiled a long-awaited national cannabis reform strategy earlier this month, with the plan involving legalizing personal freedoms such as possession and cultivation, as well as legalizing noncommercial cannabis clubs. Those components will serve as the first facet of a multi-pronged approach to legalization, followed by the launch of regional pilot programs.

If Germany’s Health Minister has his way, legal cannabis edibles will not be a part of the equation, and if so, that will be truly unfortunate:

Minister Lauterbach’s quote auto-translates from German to English to: “That has to go,” says @Karl_Lauterbach about hash cookies. So-called edibles “are often aimed at children and young people in a dangerously trivializing way. I don’t want them.”

For many years unfounded fears of legal cannabis edibles served as a go-to talking point for cannabis opponents. To some extent that is still the case, so it is unfortunate to see Minister Lauterbach echoing it. Minister Lauterbach should consider what legal jurisdictions are already doing to mitigate what he claims to be concerned about.

For starters, legal adult-use edibles are only sold via regulated outlets to people who can sufficiently prove that they are adults. Compare that to what is happening in Germany right now, where a thriving unregulated edibles market already exists and presumably no one is checking anyone’s ID.

Additionally, legal markets have advertising regulations in place pertaining to cannabis products, including no use of names, characters, or in some cases even shapes that can be construed as being ‘aimed at children and young people.’ Furthermore, packaging regulations are such in legal markets that everything needs to be in child-proof containers before being provided to consumers.

Clearly, there are reasonable steps that can be taken to help mitigate Minister Lauterbach’s professed fears. If other jurisdictions can do it, so can Germany. Otherwise, if cannabis edibles remain prohibited in Germany, the unregulated market will continue to fill the supply void, and obviously, the demand is not going to go away.

If Germany truly wants to legalize cannabis in a manner that boosts public health outcomes, edibles have to be a part of the legalization model. Consumers should not be forced toward inhaled cannabis products if they would prefer smokeless forms of cannabis. Just as consumers in Germany deserve to purchase and consume tested, regulated cannabis flower, so too should they be able to purchase and consume tested, regulated edibles.


cannabis plant fan water leaf

How Will Germany’s Legalization Model Compare To Other Legal Jurisdictions?

Adult-use cannabis policy is taking shape in Germany after many details were provided during a press conference held earlier this month. While there are some details that need to be further explored, below is what we know right now regarding the first phase of legalization according to the current plan:

  • The legal age will be set at 18 years old
  • Personal possession will be limited to 25 grams
  • Personal cultivation will be limited to 3 plants
  • Noncommercial cannabis clubs will be permitted

The components listed above will serve as the foundation for the first phase of a multi-faceted approach to cannabis reform in Europe’s largest economy. The second phase of the plan will result in regional adult-use cannabis commerce pilot programs, which for the providers and consumers involved, will yield a situation in which adult-use cannabis purchases are completely legal.

Government officials in Frankfurt and Offenbach have already declared their intent to launch such programs, and it’s guaranteed that they will not be the last jurisdiction to do so. It’s quite possible that pilot programs will proliferate in Germany in the coming years.

The second phase will take longer to implement being that more rules and regulations will be involved compared to the first phase of German legalization, and from that standpoint, it’s a good thing that it’s operating on its own timeline separate from the first phase of legalization.

A third phase for German legalization is also being pursued in the form of an ongoing effort to obtain the European Union’s approval for regulated national sales. Germany’s Health Minister Karl Lauterbach has led that effort since October 2022. So far, the EU has unfortunately refrained from granting such approval.

However, even without nationwide sales to anyone of legal age Germany’s model will still be closer to legalization found elsewhere on the planet than many people may think.

Cannabis Legalization In Uruguay

Uruguay became the first country on earth to pass a national adult-use cannabis legalization measure back in 2013. Although, legal sales at pharmacies did not begin until 2017, which is a fact that many international cannabis observers seem to forget. Much like Germany’s approach to legalization, Uruguay rolled out its legalization model in phases.

The legal age for cannabis in Uruguay is the same as what is being considered in Germany, 18 years old, and home cultivation is permitted (up to 6 plants) in addition to noncommercial cannabis clubs. The possession limits in Uruguay are somewhat unique, in that there are per-month possession and purchasing limits. Taking all of that into consideration, the first phase of German legalization will look a lot like the first phase of legalization in Uruguay.

Uruguay’s legalization model has its limitations, which is true of any legalization model on earth that is currently in existence. Arguably the most notable limitation of Uruguay’s legalization model is that it is for citizens and permanent residents – not tourists. Furthermore, while sales became legal at pharmacies to citizens and residents in 2017, the types of products available to consumers are limited and involve THC percentage caps.

Between 2017 and late 2022, pharmacies in Uruguay were only permitted to sell two varieties of cannabis flower, “alpha” and “beta.” Both options have a THC level of less than or equal to 9% and a CBD level of greater than or equal to 3%. It wasn’t until December 2022 that a third option became available, “gamma,” which contains a THC percentage that is ‘less than or equal to 15%, and a CBD percentage that is less than or equal to 1%.’

Comparing the current situation in Uruguay to Germany’s eventual proposed second phase of legalization demonstrates that the two models are not nearly as different as many cannabis observers seem to be indicating. And whereas Uruguay does not currently appear to have plans to expand its legalization model, Germany’s pursuit of robust, regulated national sales to anyone of legal age is ongoing (and gaining momentum).

Cannabis Legalization In Canada

Canada is currently the only country on earth where someone of legal age (at least 18 years old) can legally purchase a wide variety of cannabis products nationwide regardless of their residency status. Canada became the second country to legalize cannabis for adult use, including sales, back in 2018.

However, Canada’s legalization model also has its limitations. For starters, while cannabis may be available nationwide to some degree, there are still local commerce bans in place. Consider the fact that policymakers in Mississauga, Ontario voted just last week to eventually permit legal retail sales within their jurisdictional boundaries. Canada’s Supreme Court ruled this month that jurisdictions can also ban home cultivation entirely.

The first and second phases of legalization in Germany will obviously not result in the same overall variety of consumer options compared to what can be found in Canada right now for everyone of legal age. However, for people that live in Canada where home cultivation and/or retail sales are still prohibited, comparing their situation to someone in future Germany who can cultivate their own cannabis, join a noncommercial cannabis club, and sign up for a local pilot program highlights that the ‘legalization gap’ will not be as wide for many consumers in Germany compared to Canada soon. At least not as wide as many people may think.

Cannabis Legalization In Malta

Malta will forever hold the distinction of being the first European country to pass a national adult-use legalization measure, having done so in late 2021. With that being said, Malta’s legalization model is much more limited in size and scope compared to Uruguay and Canada.

The legal age for adult-use cannabis in Malta is also 18 years old. Like Canada, adults in Malta are permitted to cultivate up to four cannabis plants, and like Uruguay, Malta will eventually permit noncommercial cannabis clubs. Yet, unlike Uruguay and Canada, there will be no other means in Malta by which to legally acquire legal cannabis other than gifting – no pharmacy or store sales.

Malta’s adult-use possession limit is set at 50 grams, which will likely be the only component of Malta’s adult-use legalization model that is better than what will be implemented in Germany under the nation’s first phase of legalization. Once the second phase of legalization is launched, Germany’s model will be superior to Malta’s by every measure outside of the personal possession limit parameter.

Cannabis Legalization In The United States

The United States is home to a unique set of cannabis policies and regulations. At the federal level cannabis remains prohibited in the United States to a large degree, however, legalization at the state level is becoming increasingly more common with every passing election and legislative session.

Yet, even in legal states like Oregon where I live, there are still local jurisdictions that prohibit cannabis sales. Also, the legal age in the United States (state-level) is 21 years old. Furthermore, there are legal states in the U.S. that still prohibit home cultivation, with Washington State being a notable one. Washington voters approved a legalization measure in 2012 and yet adults still cannot legally cultivate cannabis for recreational purposes there.

The State of Vermont passed a legalization measure in 2018, however, legalization in the Northeastern state did not include regulated cannabis sales upon initial passage. That didn’t happen until years later. No two states in the U.S. have passed an identical legalization measure, and no two states have entirely identical cannabis regulations. What legalization looks like in the U.S. depends on which jurisdiction you are in, and even within legal states, options afforded to consumers often vary from city to city and county to county.

Evolving Standards For Legalization

What constitutes legalization these days is not as straightforward as it seemed to be not that many years ago. As a longtime cannabis activist in the United States, I remember at the start of the 2010s that simply being able to legally possess and consume cannabis was considered by many to constitute legalization.

Zoom forward to today, and if you ask, ‘what is true cannabis legalization?’ to a group of five cannabis enthusiasts you will probably get twelve different answers. Many cannabis advocates in the United States feel that unless home cultivation is permitted, then true legalization is not achieved. Conversely, many advocates in Europe seem to feel that if national sales are not permitted, then true legalization is not achieved. Often lost in the discussion on both sides of the Atlantic is people recognizing that what is important in a legalization model to one person may not be the same to the next person and that there likely is no ‘right’ answer.

When Thailand implemented its cannabis reform measures last year, many people in the international cannabis community touted it as legalization. That, despite Thailand only legalized low-THC cannabis at a THC threshold that is considerably lower than what is already common in Europe.

Back in September 2018, South Africa’s top court issued a ruling striking down cannabis prohibition as it pertained to personal consumers. At the time, the decision was touted by media outlets around the world as South Africa having ‘legalized cannabis.’ Something similar also happened in Mexico in 2018 and in Italy in 2019 after historic cannabis court decisions were rendered in those countries.

Evolving Cannabis Landscape In Germany

All the examples of legalization in jurisdictions around the world cited in this article provide important context to what is happening in Germany right now, and how the nation’s approach to legalization fits into the bigger picture. That is a vital consideration that must be made by people trying to anticipate where things are headed in the coming years, not only in Germany but also in the rest of Europe.

Europe’s cannabis legalization model is taking shape, and there will seemingly be a heavy reliance going forward on home cultivation, gifting, noncommercial clubs, ‘cannabis light,’ and regional adult-use pilot programs. Whenever national sales arrive for anyone and everyone of legal age within Germany’s borders, whenever that ultimately occurs, the actual leap will likely end up not being nearly as great as it probably seems like it will be right now.

Phase one of German legalization is a really big deal by many measures. Cannabis prohibition is a failed public policy in Germany, and it’s time for a more sensible approach, particularly as it pertains to individual liberties.

Thankfully, the first phase of German legalization is not a final destination, but rather, just one of the multiple stops along the way toward comprehensive national reform. Things are evolving rapidly in Germany right now, and that is already having a butterfly effect on the continent. Make sure to head to Berlin in June to attend the International Cannabis Business Conference and find out the latest and greatest information straight from the international cannabis experts that are on the frontlines of policy and industry.


frankfurt germany

Frankfurt And Offenbach Declare Intent To Launch Pilot Adult-Use Cannabis Sales

A little over a week ago federal ministers in Germany held a press conference in which they provided details regarding the nation’s current legalization plan. The plan has two phases, with the first involving legalizing personal cannabis possession, use, and cultivation, as well as permitting noncommercial cannabis clubs.

The second phase of legalization in Germany will involve the launch of localized adult-use cannabis commerce pilot projects, sometimes also referred to as ‘model region’ projects. The projects will allow localities to launch regional, regulated cannabis sales in Germany for regulatory research and public policy development purposes.

While much is yet to be determined regarding what exact regulations will be involved, there are some components that are out to the public now after the April 12th press conference, and at least two jurisdictions in Germany are already declaring their intent to pursue pilot projects.

Frankfurt And Offenbach

This week, mere days after the historic press conference in Germany, policymakers in Frankfurt and Offenbach both indicated publicly that their jurisdictions will pursue legal localized cannabis sales as a means to combat the unregulated market.

“If the consumer is no longer stigmatized and criminalized, the discussions about risks can be conducted in a completely different way,” stated Artur Schroers, Head of the Drugs Department of the City of Frankfurt, according to Frankfurter Allgemeine.

Both Frankfurt and Offenbach reportedly issued declarations of intent to pursue the pilot programs, however, both jurisdictions will need to wait until a legalization measure is formally introduced and adopted, and comprehensive information becomes available regarding how jurisdictions can apply and what requirements will be involved.

European Union Lobbying Will Continue

Multiple lawmakers in Germany are calling for the immediate introduction and implementation of the adult-use legalization plan presented at the press conference earlier this month, and for there to be no further delays in doing so.

Germany’s Health Minister Karl Lauterbach continues to serve as a political pinball of sorts, bouncing between working with domestic lawmakers at home and lobbying the European Union in an effort to get the EU’s permission for Germany to pursue wider reforms. The lobbying effort essentially serves as a third phase for German legalization, albeit on a separate path and timeline compared to the first two phases.

frankfurt, Germany, offenbach

Brand Front Of The Brandenburg Gate Berlin

These Sectors Of Germany’s Cannabis Industry Will Thrive Under Phase 1 Of Legalization

Germany’s long-awaited legalization plan was announced earlier this month, with multiple federal ministers participating in a widely viewed press conference.

“In a first step, cultivation in non-profit associations and private cultivation should be made possible nationwide.” Government officials stated in a press release after the historic press conference.

According to details offered up during the press conference, Germany will institute a possession limit of up to 25 grams of cannabis and a cultivation limit of a maximum of three plants as part of the first phase of national legalization. The legal age will be set at 18.

The other key component of the legalization plan’s first phase, which will serve as the foundation for adult-use cannabis access for many consumers in Germany, will be noncommercial associations or clubs. Membership will be capped at 500 consumers per club.

“Membership fees cover the cost price, staggered according to the quantity supplied (possibly with a basic flat rate and an additional amount per gram supplied). The number of members per association is limited to a maximum of 500 with a minimum age of 18 years and domicile or habitual abode in Germany. The number of associations can be limited by population density.” Germany’s government press release stated.

The personal freedoms afforded to consumers under the first phase of Germany’s legalization plan will create various opportunities for entrepreneurs. Below are some noteworthy examples.

Consumption Devices

When it comes to cannabis consumption technology, Germany is second to none. After all, the European nation is the birthplace of the Volcano by Storz & Bickel, which remains the best cannabis flower vaporizer on the market despite so many other consumption gadgets entering the space since the Volcano’s introduction in 2000.

New cannabis freedoms for consumers and the rise of cannabis clubs in Germany will surely be met with innovations in cannabis consumption technology. As one of the many people out there that operates a cannabis consumption gadget review channel, my eyes are glued on Germany to see what inventions inevitably debut in the nation’s cannabis clubs.

Home Cultivation Equipment

Every adult household in Germany will be permitted to cultivate up to three plants according to the provisions contained in the recently unveiled legalization plan. It’s a very safe bet that there will be a huge boost in domestic personal cultivation soon in Germany. That, in turn, will create enormous opportunities for home cultivation equipment companies.

Smaller scale equipment such as cultivation tents, ventilation, energy-efficient LED lighting, nutrients, grow mediums, and odor control are just a handful of examples of cultivation products that will be in demand during phase 1 of German legalization. Larger-scale equipment will also experience a spike in demand once cultivation clubs start launching.

Educational Services

Anyone that follows internet search trends knows that leading up to cannabis legalization, and well beyond legalization, consumers look for cannabis information at an increasing rate. Long-time cannabis consumers are less likely to seek out educational resources, however, they only represent one part of Germany’s consumer base. Adults that are new to cannabis, or coming back after a long break, will want to learn the best ways to consume and cultivate cannabis, and that creates tremendous opportunities for cannabis educators.

‘Cannabis Light’

Germany, like most European countries, has a lot of demand within its borders for ‘cannabis light.’ The low-THC variety of cannabis products may not be the product of choice for every cannabis consumer in Germany, however, it’s an option that is already widely available to consumers.

Germany is in the process of shoring up regulations surrounding industrial hemp and products derived from it, which will hopefully provide some certainty to Germany’s low-THC industry. With adult-use commerce likely to come farther down the road compared to what presumably will be a much faster process for legalizing personal possession, cannabis light will be a popular option for some consumers.

Clubs Beyond Cannabis Sales

While we now know various details about what noncommercial cannabis clubs will eventually look like in Germany, there are still many components and regulations that are being worked out. With that in mind, this section is admittedly based on personal conjecture. However, I assume that noncommercial cannabis clubs will be able to sell other things beyond just cannabis itself, and owning a very popular cannabis club creates significant ancillary profit potential.

Food, beverages, merchandise, and a whole host of other things will be in high demand at cannabis clubs in Germany, no pun intended. Crafty entrepreneurs that can create an environment and experience that resonates with cannabis consumers in Germany can reap considerable financial rewards even if they never make a dime on cannabis sales.


Cannabis-based tourism is going to increase in Germany during Phase 1, even if Phase 1 does not involve national sales to all adults. The tourism sector of the cannabis industry is made up of some of the most innovative entrepreneurs on earth, and no one should be shocked by some of the concepts that will inevitably pop up in Germany. Tours and museums are just a couple of the cannabis tourism ideas that are already popular in other legal jurisdictions.

Industry Service Providers

If you are familiar with the gold rush period in the United States many years ago, then you likely know that the people that made the most consistent money were those that sold axes, shovels, and other goods to gold miners, not the gold miners themselves per se. To some degree, the same could be true in Germany when it comes to industry service providers. Industry software, packaging, and other services will be in demand during phase 1, and entrepreneurs that can supply the demand will be financially rewarded.

Research and Consulting

Entrepreneurs and investors are already flocking to Germany to try to be strategically placed to take full advantage of the upcoming reforms, and many of them need consulting services. Additionally, there will be a huge spike in cannabis-based research in Germany with researchers exploring any and all things related to cannabis, including social science-based research. Both areas of the cannabis space possess significant potential for individuals with the right backgrounds and skill sets.

Culture-Based Brands

Cannabis culture is far from being a new thing, and while it may not look like it did decades ago, cannabis culture still creates huge opportunities for entrepreneurs. Clothing, gear cases, and media outlets are just a few examples of culture-based brand opportunities that already exist in Germany and those opportunities will only become more plentiful going forward.

Learn More in Berlin in June

Every one of the previously mentioned areas of Germany’s emerging cannabis industry will be discussed at the upcoming International Cannabis Business Conference in Berlin, which will be held on June 29-30 at the Iconic Estrel Berlin Hotel. Cannabis leaders from over 80 countries will be in attendance and with so much going on in Germany right now, the conference is a must-attend for anyone who is serious about succeeding in Germany’s industry, as well as those wishing to succeed at the continental and international levels. Purchase your tickets today before the event sells out!


cannabis plant

German Government Announces Plans For Permitting Adult-Use Home Cultivation

Today in Germany federal ministers from the nation’s government held a press conference in which they announced components for what will serve as the ‘first phase’ of adult-use cannabis legalization in the European Union’s most populous country.

“In a first step, cultivation in non-profit associations and private cultivation should be made possible nationwide. In a second step, the sale in specialist shops will be implemented as a scientifically designed, regionally limited and time-limited model project. In the model project, the effects of a commercial supply chain on health and youth protection as well as the black market can be scientifically examined in more detail.” Government officials stated in a press release after today’s press conference.

According to details offered up during the press conference, a video of which is embedded at the end of this article, there will be a possession limit of up to 25 grams of cannabis and a cultivation limit of a maximum of three plants. The legal age will be set at 18.

“Cannabis is a common stimulant. It is often offered and used illegally in Germany. This is often a health hazard. Adolescents in particular are impaired in their social and cognitive development by cannabis. Despite this, more and more young people are using the drug. The black market goods are often contaminated and create additional health hazards. We can no longer accept this. That’s why we dare the controlled sale of cannabis to adults within clear limits and push back the black market, flanked by preventive measures for young people. Health protection is the priority. The previous cannabis policy has failed. Now we have to break new ground.” said German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach about cannabis policy in Germany.

“The previous restrictive handling of cannabis in Germany has failed. Banning cannabis criminalizes countless people, pushing them into criminal structures and tying up immense resources from law enforcement agencies. It’s time for a new approach that allows more personal responsibility, pushes back the black market and relieves the police and public prosecutor’s offices. We trust people more – without downplaying the dangers that can emanate from cannabis consumption.” added German Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann.

Another key component of the legalization plan’s first phase, which will serve as the foundation for adult-use cannabis access for many consumers in Germany, will be noncommercial associations or clubs. Membership will be capped at 500 consumers per club.

“Membership fees cover the cost price, staggered according to the quantity supplied ( possibly with a basic flat rate and an additional amount per gram supplied). The number of members per association is limited to a maximum of 500 with a minimum age of 18 years and domicile or habitual abode in Germany. The number of associations can be limited by population density.” today’s press release stated.

“The use of cannabis is a social reality. Decades of prohibition policies have turned a blind eye to this and, above all, caused problems: at the expense of our children and young people, the health of consumers and the law enforcement authorities. Now we are creating a coherent and pragmatic cannabis policy from a single source, from cultivation to consumption. Nobody should have to buy from dealers without knowing what they are getting. Through controlled cultivation and distribution within the framework of cannabis clubs, we strengthen youth and health protection. And: We cut the ground for organized crime, which does not even shy away from selling it to children. With a regional model project, we are also exploring the possibilities of a commercial supply chain.” said Federal Minister of Agriculture Cem Özdemir.

The second phase of the legalization plan announced today, which the Minister of Agriculture touched on in his comments, will involve the launch of regional adult-use commerce pilot projects, somewhat similar to what is in place in Basel, Switzerland. Although, what will likely be implemented in Germany will presumably be on a much larger scale. The following details were released today regarding pilot projects:

  • The project duration is 5 years from the established supply chain.
  • There is a spatial restriction to delivery points and adult residents of certain districts/cities in several federal states (opt-in approach).
  • Within the framework of the law, approval of the sale of edibles is being examined in compliance with strict youth and health protection regulations.

A third phase for legalization, which appeared to only be lightly alluded to today, is the push for nationwide adult-use sales. Leading up to today’s press conference Germany’s Health Minister indicated via comments to the media that the push for nationwide sales is not over. Rather, more time will be needed to lobby the European Union which appears to be willing to allow possession, home cultivation, noncommercial clubs, and regional pilot programs yet is still not willing to approve national sales. Thankfully, German lawmakers are not giving up, albeit moving forward on other legalization components pertaining to personal freedom in the meantime.

“The cornerstones of the 2-pillar model (“ C lub A nbau & Regional -Modell/ CARe ”) have been developed by the Federal Ministry of Health as the leader, as well as the Federal Ministry of the Interior, the Federal Ministry of Justice, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture, the Federal Ministry of Economics and the Federal Foreign Office in accordance with the technical responsibilities. The EU and international law limits were taken into account. On the basis of the key issues paper, the federal government will now present a draft law at short notice.” government officials stated in today’s press release.

“The federal departments are working on all parts of the project within the scope of their respective responsibilities under the overall leadership of the BMG. Both pillars are incorporated into concrete draft laws, with the working draft for pillar 1 being presented in April 2023, followed by the draft law for pillar 2. The results of the scientific report already commissioned on the effects of the legalization of recreational cannabis on health and youth protection in other countries are taken into account for both pillars.” the press release also stated.

“At the same time, the Federal Government is continuing its efforts (particularly through the missions abroad) to promote its approaches to its European partners and is also examining the extent to which a sufficient number of EU Member States can initiate the initiative in order to comply with the relevant EU legal framework in the medium term to be made more flexible and developed further.” the press release concluded.


germany flag

Germany’s Legalization Strategy Is The Right Approach

Germany’s Health Minister Karl Lauterbach is widely expected to formally introduce his long-awaited cannabis legalization measure this month. As German lawmaker Carmen Wegge (SPD) stated last week, “It would be nice if the draft law would be presented on 20.4.2023.” Whether April 20th proves to be the actual date or not is something that will have to be seen as the month progresses along, however, the measure’s introduction seems to be imminent at this point.

The global conversation regarding adult-use cannabis legalization in Germany has transitioned from the question of ‘if,’ past the question of ‘when,’ and now on to the question of ‘what?’ According to prior reporting, Germany is expected to pursue a two-faceted approach to legalization policy and commerce. The two-faceted approach is reportedly a result of ongoing negotiations between the European Union and Germany’s Health Minister.

The first phase of legalization that is reportedly going to be pursued involves legalizing home cultivation, ‘noncommercial’ cannabis clubs, and the suspension of cannabis prohibition enforcement as it relates to consumers. Several lawmakers in Germany have advocated for not holding up reform as it pertains to personal liberties while trying to work out the details of what will be involved with regulated national sales, with the latter being a much heavier lift compared to the former.

“The first part of the reform measure could come into force before the summer break of the Bundestag, as Wegge and Heidenblut are speculating. This would be an urgently needed relief for millions of consumers. What this 2-phase approach means for the commercial route and the numerous companies preparing for a free market model, remains to be seen,” Kai Friedrich Niermann of law firm KFN+ said, per our prior reporting.

Adult households would be able to cultivate between 3-5 plants in Germany according to what is reportedly being considered, and adults would be able to possess up to 50 grams. Cannabis prohibition enforcement involving individual cultivation, possession, and/or use (not including DUI laws) would be suspended under the reported plan. According to a 2021 report from Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf, Germany would save 1.05 billion euros annually by no longer enforcing cannabis prohibition, in addition to judiciary savings of 313 million euros per year.

“For reasons of European law, comprehensive legalization is obviously not feasible in the short term. We are therefore supporting Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach and the Federal Government with practicable steps toward legalization. From our point of view, these can be model projects, decriminalization and self-cultivation.” SPD leadership previously stated according to initial reporting by Legal Tribune Online (translated from German to English).

The European Union has not granted its permission for legal national sales to Germany, or any other member nation so far. The only country to pass a national legalization measure in Europe as of this article’s posting is Malta, and Malta’s legalization model does not involve regulated national sales. Rather, Malta’s legalization model is built on home cultivation and noncommercial cannabis clubs, which is also likely to be the case in Germany.

However, whereas Malta does not seem to have plans for a localized cannabis commerce pilot model, Germany does. How many jurisdictions will be involved, how many consumers will be able to participate, and what products they will be able to purchase are all questions that are yet to be answered, although, some form of pilot programs do appear to be on the way in Germany. If enough jurisdictions are allowed to proceed, a potentially significant number of consumers could be able to make regular, legal purchases. That in itself presents tremendous entrepreneurial and investor opportunities, particularly in the personal consumption accessories and home cultivation sectors of the emerging cannabis industry.

People often try to compare Germany to Canada and Uruguay, and to a lesser extent, the United States, however, comparing legalization models and efforts in those countries to Germany is like comparing apples and oranges due to various political factors, not the least of which is that Germany is part of the European Union and Canada, Uruguay, and the United States are not. The position in which Germany operates in the global political landscape is not the same as other nations.

When all is said and done, Germany will get its legalization cake and eat it too. In the short term, consumers will get the justice and freedom that never should have been taken away from them in the first place. Adult consumers will be able to cultivate cannabis, gift it to other adults, and eventually frequent noncommercial cannabis clubs and/or outlets that are part of a local pilot program, all without worrying about losing their freedom or having their life impacted by the criminal justice system in some way. The significance of that cannot be overstated, especially considering that the cost savings by no longer enforcing failed prohibition will be considerable, and that will benefit all citizens of Germany.

Meanwhile, the battle to legalize national sales and get the European Union on the right side of history will continue, which serves as the second facet of the reported German legalization push. Whether people realize it or not, the first facet of the legalization push is going to bolster the chances of the second phase succeeding. When Germany implements the first phase of legalization, which is a much easier lift compared to regulated national sales and will presumably take effect quickly, it will encourage other countries to do the same. Leadership in the Czech Republic has already indicated that it will pursue legalization alongside Germany, and it’s virtually guaranteed that success in both countries will encourage other European nations to pursue similar reform.

Also, noncommercial clubs and localized pilot programs will be afforded the opportunity to create data and other useful information for social and hard science research. Assuming that those forms of legalized commerce succeed, it will yield more successful examples for lawmakers like Karl Lauterbach to point to when making their arguments to the European Union. Germany is clearly building and leading a coalition of European nations that want to pursue a regulated cannabis system versus sticking with the unregulated (and failed) prohibition status quo, and the fact that Germany appears to not be letting the second facet of legalization hold up the first one is the right move in my opinion. No one should be subjected to the criminal justice system due to being an individual cannabis consumer, and that includes no one being subjected to a fine which can also have a negative impact on an individual long after the fine is paid. Germany is set to free the plant, and in the process free the people, and that is an amazing thing by every measure.


germany flag

Germany Expected To Introduce Long-Awaited Legalization Measure In Two Weeks

During a live stream episode of ‘4:20-Cannatalk!’ featuring German governing coalition members and drug policy spokespersons of the Social Democratic Party Dirk Heidenblut (SPD) and Carmen Wegge (SPD) on Instagram (April 3, 2023, at 8 p.m. CET), the lawmakers announced that a long-awaited adult-use legalization measure would be formally introduced ‘in two weeks.’

“It would be nice if the draft law would be presented on 20.4.2023.” said Carmen Wegge during the live stream (translated from German to English).

The measure will reportedly involve a two-faceted approach to adult-use legalization in Germany, with the first phase involving home cultivation, ‘noncommercial’ cannabis clubs, and the suspension of cannabis prohibition enforcement as it pertains to personal use, possession, and cultivation.

“The first part of the reform measure could come into force before the summer break of the Bundestag, as Wegge and Heidenblut are speculating. This would be an urgently needed relief for millions of consumers. What this 2-phase approach means for the commercial route and the numerous companies preparing for a free market model, remains to be seen,” said Kai Friedrich Niermann of law firm KFN+.

Nationwide adult-use sales, which is what many German lawmakers were pushing for, will have to wait until the second phase of the legalization effort can be pursued.

“For reasons of European law, comprehensive legalization is obviously not feasible in the short term. We are therefore supporting Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach and the Federal Government with practicable ones Steps towards legalization. From our point of view, these can be model projects, decriminalization and self-cultivation.” SPD leadership previously stated according to initial reporting by Legal Tribune Online.

The announcement of the pending formal introduction of the legalization measure comes after several months of Germany’s Health Minister Karl Lauterbach lobbying the European Union for permission to proceed.

The premise of Minister Lauterbach’s argument to the European Union is that Germany’s public health outcomes would be better if people were consuming regulated products versus unregulated products.

Many cannabis advocates inside and outside of Germany were hopeful that the European Union would sign off on the launch of a regulated national industry in Germany, however, it appears that will have to wait.

Despite having to wait longer for national sales, the significance of the first facet of Germany’s reported legalization measure cannot be overstated. Cannabis prohibition is a failed public policy in Germany, and its time that the nation took a more sensible approach.

According to a 2021 report from Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf, “legalization leads to significant savings in criminal prosecution.” The report’s authors stated that Germany would save 1.05 billion euros annually by no longer enforcing cannabis prohibition, in addition to judiciary savings of 313 million euros per year.

“Banning cannabis is harmful and expensive, billions are wasted on pointless police operations. The money would be used much more effectively for education, prevention and help. It’s time for legalization!” said DHV Managing Director Georg Wurth at the time of the report’s publishing.

Cannabis commerce involving adult-use sales will not be entirely prohibited under the reported first phase of German legalization. Local pilot programs are expected to launch, like what is underway in Switzerland, albeit presumably on a much larger scale.

“This is the biggest cannabis news of the decade. Within 3 years, Germany will have the biggest federally regulated cannabis market in the world,” said Alex Rogers, founder, and CEO of the International Cannabis Business Conference.

When national sales eventually launch, Heinrich Heine University Dusseldorf estimates that 27,000 jobs will be created and that the total revenue generation to Germany’s public coffers will be roughly 4.7 billion euros per year.

The first facet of the reported pending legalization measure will involve a possession limit that may be as much as 50 grams per adult. The plant limit for home cultivation will likely end up being between 3-5 plants per adult household.

Gifting cannabis between adults will likely also be permitted according to the reported measure, with the legal age being set at 18 years old.


German Parliament

New Details Of German Health Minister’s Cannabis Legalization Plan Surface

The adult-use legalization saga in Germany experienced new twists and turns this week, with reports surfacing that provide new details about Health Minister Karl Lauterbach’s pending legalization plan. In October 2022, German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach presented a long-awaited legalization plan to the federal cabinet. After the presentation, Minister Lauterbach started lobbying the European Union for its permission to proceed with a national legalization plan.

Since the 2021 federal election, the eyes of the international cannabis community have remained largely focused on Germany to monitor any developments coming out of the country, which is home to Europe’s largest economy. Legalization has yet to become a reality in Germany, however, the legalization process has experienced no shortage of metaphorical fireworks, including the most recent developments that made headlines at the end of this week.

Scaled Back Legalization?

Towards the end of December 2022, certain lawmakers in Germany were seemingly already growing tired of the legalization process’ pace, as demonstrated by the blocking of funding to Germany’s Health Ministry due to perceived delays in a measure being formally introduced. Even prior to Minister Lauterbach’s presentation in October 2022 to the federal cabinet, a version of a legalization plan was leaked to the media. The legalization plan was perceived as being too restrictive, generated considerable public outcry at the time, and ultimately resulted in a less-restrictive plan being presented to the federal cabinet mere days after the leak initially occurred.

Much like a political pinball, Minister Lauterbach has bounced between the European Union and the Bundestag since October, with his legalization plan seeming to evolve on a somewhat rolling basis. In January 2023, Minister Lauterbach indicated publicly that he was ‘certain’ that the European Union would grant its approval and that a formal introduction of a legalization measure would occur ‘in the first quarter of this year.’ Minister Lauterbach added at the time according to the report, that he had ‘no reason to doubt this schedule.’ As anyone with access to a calendar will quickly notice, the first quarter of 2023 has passed, and yet, there is still no legalization measure introduced.

Instead, what surfaced at the end of the first quarter of 2023 were comments made by Minister Lauterbach which suggest that his legalization plan has regressed after talking to the European Union. According to domestic reports, the current plan does not involve national sales, but rather, pilot programs akin to what is going on in Switzerland. The pilot phase for legalization is reportedly planned for a four-year period. The two bright spots of Minster Lauterbach’s recent comments involve home cultivation and private cannabis clubs, which apparently don’t require European Union approval. Although, neither of those components is exactly shocking given that Malta has already passed a measure that included both components.

Domestic Political Checks And Balances

Until an adult-use legalization measure is formally introduced in Germany, the world will ultimately not know what legalization components will be involved. The desires of the European Union will have to be weighed against the demands of the current governing coalition in Germany, which as previously mentioned, has members that will presumably not accept a limited legalization model. Furthermore, some of them will not tolerate additional delays in a measure being formally introduced.

Obviously, Minister Lauterbach cannot please all stakeholders when it comes to a legalization measure, and his ultimate bosses are located in his home country. I am still of the opinion that there will be one or more leaks to the media in the coming weeks to further build domestic political pressure around Minister Lauterbach, urging him to disregard some concessions being reportedly demanded by the European Union. It certainly feels like a showdown is brewing in my opinion.

Domestic coverage indicates that a commissioned expert opinion report ordered by the German Federal Ministry of Health is not expected to be ready until the end of April. It’s quite possible that a formal introduction of a legalization measure may not occur until well after that particular report is finalized. After all, the expert opinion report is just one of the facets involved with the push to legalize cannabis in Germany. All the international cannabis community can do in the meantime is wait, and for those that live within Germany’s borders to keep the pressure on Minister Lauterbach and continue to urge him to step up and introduce a legalization measure that is meaningful and truly reflective of what German voters want.

Germany, karl lauterbach

bundestag berlin germany

Germany’s Health Minister Indicates That The EU Will Allow Legalization To Proceed

The push to legalize adult-use cannabis in Germany received a significant boost today, with reports surfacing that the nation’s health minister has received “very good feedback” from the European Commission regarding his plan to legalize cannabis for adult use in Germany and to launch regulated adult-use sales. Minister Karl Lauterbach reportedly stated that “in the next few weeks” his bill will be formally presented.

“We will soon present a proposal that works, that is, that conforms to European law,” Lauterbach stated according to NTV. Minister Lauterbach’s comments come after months of discussions with the European Union. Back in October 2022, Minister Lauterbach presented a legalization plan in Germany that included the following provisions:

  • Legal age of 18 years old
  • 20-30 gram possession limit
  • Regulated outlets
  • Prohibition on advertising
  • No cap on THC percentages
  • Cultivate up to 3 plants per adult household
  • Remove cannabis from Germany’s Narcotics Law

As part of his formal presentation to German lawmakers back in October, Health Minister Karl Lauterbach stated that prior to formally introducing his measure he would first seek approval from the European Union to proceed. Minister Lauterbach has indicated throughout the lobbying process that the goal and focus of his efforts are to improve public health in Germany via regulating adult-use cannabis.

That approach, Minister Lauterbach has consistently argued, is in line with EU treaties. His recent comments seem to indicate that the EU agrees, at least in principle. This is not the first time that Minister Lauterbach has hinted that his conversations with the EU are favorable, although his level of optimism certainly seems to be increasing.

Back in January, we reported on comments that Minister Lautberbach made regarding his lobbying efforts, indicating at the time that he was ‘certain’ that the European Union would grant its approval and that a formal introduction of the legalization measure would occur ‘in the first quarter of this year.’ Minister Lauterbach added, according to the reporting at that time, that he had ‘no reason to doubt this schedule.’

For those that are keeping track at home, the first quarter of this year is set to draw to a close in roughly two weeks. With that in mind, it appears that Minister Lauterbach is essentially right on schedule, albeit perhaps one week behind what he projected back in January. If Minister Lauterbach is indeed on schedule, I think it is safe to assume that the EU has afforded some type of indication that it will approve German legalization to proceed. The ramifications of that cannot be overstated, as it would likely open the floodgates to similar reform in other European nations as we have pointed out in prior reporting.

The real question at this point, in my opinion, is what has changed from what Minister Lauterbach presented back in October compared to what he is planning on presenting in “the next few weeks?” If we read between the lines a bit and take Minister Lauterbach’s reported comments at face value, he has received some type of feedback from the EU. Until the public knows exactly what that feedback involves, there’s always the possibility that Minister Lauterbach’s plan may have regressed to some degree in certain aspects.

Regardless of the EU’s feedback, Minister Lauterbach still has to convince lawmakers in Germany that his plan is sufficient. The EU can provide all of the feedback that it wants to, however, that will be balanced against domestic political demands from Germany’s current governing coalition.

As history has clearly demonstrated, many lawmakers in Germany will not entertain regressed legalization components. They also will not tolerate any footdragging. As the pressure continues to build on both sides of the equation and Minister Lauterbach is stuck in the middle like a political pinball, the eyes of the international cannabis community will continue to be focused squarely on Germany.

Will we see another leak prior to Minister Lauterbach’s formal presentation, and components of the legalization plan ‘magically’ evolve to be more favorable after enormous public outcry, such as what occurred back in October 2022? Only time will tell.


German Parliament

Cannabis Legalization Public Hearing Set For March 15th In Germany

An adult-use cannabis legalization measure is scheduled for a public hearing in Germany on March 15th at 14:45 (CET). According to the Budestag’s website (translated to English), “The hearing will be broadcast with a time delay on Thursday, March 16, 2023, from 11 a.m. on parliamentary television and on the Internet at”

The public hearing will be held by the Bundestag Health Committee, and the focus of the hearing will be, ‘a bill by the left-wing faction on the decriminalization of cannabis,’ as well as ‘a motion by the CDU/CSU, in which the parliamentary group advocates better patient care with medicinal cannabis.’

It is worth noting that the bill sponsored by the left-wing faction is separate from a legalization measure that is expected to be introduced this month by German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach. According to documentation published by the Bundestag (translated to English), the left-wing faction’s measure (20/2579) states the following:

In their coalition agreement, SPD, BÜNDNIS 90/DIE GRÜNEN and FDP on the introduction of a controlled sale of cannabis to adults agreed for pleasure purposes. According to statements made by Health Minister Karl Lauterbach on May 4, 2022, the corresponding reform is to be implemented in the second to be worked out in the first half of 2022. However, due to substantive differences between the coalition parties with regard to the precise design of the structures for the legal production and sale of cannabis, it is to be feared that the legislative process will take longer. It lasts until he graduates criminalization of consumers. Of the more than 200,000 cannabis offenses per year, over 80 percent are consumption-related offenses. The legal and social consequences of criminalization for those affected are considerable. The annual financial expenditure for prosecution and enforcement resources is also in the range of one billion euros.

Essentially, what the measure is pushing for is an end to cannabis prohibition as it pertains to individuals, which is admirable. However, the measure is likely to be rejected by members of the governing coalition, with those members likely pointing to the looming measure from Germany’s Health Minister and stating that they want to wait.

Wednesday’s public hearing may not be as significant as some may think upon first consideration, however, it’s going to keep the pressure on lawmakers when it comes to the overall push for adult-use cannabis legalization in Germany.

The nation’s government will be forced by the public hearing to once again clearly state its position and goals regarding adult-use cannabis, and that, in turn, will let the citizens of Germany know that the issue is still important and that they can hopefully expect meaningful progress in the near future.


munich germany

Bavaria’s Health Minister Is Clearly Wrong About Cannabis

I have never traveled to Bavaria, or Europe for that matter. I plan on making my first trip later this year to attend the International Cannabis Business Conference in Berlin in June. While I am excited to explore many parts of Germany, one jurisdiction that I plan on steering clear of is Bavaria. That is born out of fear, perhaps an irrational fear, regarding the German state’s reported position on cannabis, as expressed in a recent legal opinion published by Bavaria’s Health Minister Klaus Holetschek (CSU).

Obviously, there are many things that I know nothing about when it comes to Germany being that I have never traveled there, however, it is abundantly clear that Bavaria’s Health Minister despises all things cannabis. After all, various federal lawmakers in Germany are pursuing adult-use legalization as part of a governing coalition agreement and Minister Holetschek is leading the internal opposition against it.

Unfortunately for Minister Holetschek, the facts do not support his recently published ‘legal opinion,’ which I personally feel would be better described as a political hit job attempt. I have never traveled to Bavaria, but I have studied cannabis policy for multiple decades, have served on the front lines of cannabis activism for many years, and was at one point a scholarship law student. With that in mind, below are some of my thoughts and analysis regarding Minister Holetschek’s stated opinions (Minister Holetschek’s stated opinions are translated from German to English).

International And European Agreements

Many of Holetschek’s arguments seem to be based on a lack of evidence to the contrary and/or incomplete information, which are classic prohibitionist political communication tactics. Those strategies worked for a long time being that prohibition was the absolute law of the world for many years. Yet, we no longer operate in a world in which there are no examples of national-level legalization already in existence. According to Minister Holetschek, ‘above all’ the main reason why Germany should not pass an adult-use legalization measure is that it “violates international law and European law.”

“The UN drug control bodies rate a comprehensive cannabis legalization of the kind planned by the federal government in constant decision-making practice as a breach of the UN Convention on Drugs.” Minister Holetschek reportedly stated.

What Minister Holetschek fails to acknowledge in his assertion is that nothing meaningful has happened to Canada, which legalized cannabis for adult use in 2018, after Canada did quite literally what the Minister is selectively clutching his pearls about. Furthermore, the United States has allowed state-level legalization to proceed, which in itself puts the U.S. out of compliance to some degree, and nothing meaningful has happened to the U.S. federal government either. It is my understanding that both nations receive annual warnings from the UN about being out of compliance, but that is the extent of it.

It’s a safe bet that the same will prove to be true in Germany. Even if some international or continental feathers get ruffled by Germany proceeding with legalization, if history is a guide there will be nothing more than some sternly worded letters being received. Additionally, it’s absolutely worth noting that Germany’s Health Minister’s opinion regarding the EU-level component of treaties directly contradicts that of the Bavarian Health Minister, with German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach previously expressing that he was ‘certain’ that the European Union would allow Germany to proceed. People can form their own opinion, although I am going to personally rely on the opinion of the federal health minister on this one.

Protecting Youth

Minister Holetschek’s arguments regarding veiled ‘doomsday scenarios’ about youth consumption are particularly outdated.

“I cannot understand how the release of cannabis for ‘pleasure purposes’ for young people over the age of 18 should improve health and youth protection.” Minister Holetschek reportedly stated. That statement is like something straight out of the 1930s film Reefer Madness.

‘What about the children?’ is one of the most historically popular talking points used by cannabis prohibitionists. But unlike decades past, there are now many peer-reviewed studies regarding cannabis, and a growing body of pre and post-legalization public health data that can be easily acquired and examined, including data that pertains to youth consumption.

Per government data from the Oregon Health Authority, not only was there no spike in youth consumption following the launch of legal adult-use sales and outright possession legalization in 2015; youth consumption rates actually went down from 2012 to 2018 in Oregon. A broader study conducted by researchers at Michigan State University, which involved consumption survey data from over 800,000 respondents in states where cannabis sales were permitted, also found no spike in youth cannabis usage rates.

A study in 2021 conducted by researchers in Canada found ‘no significant differences’ in cannabis consumption rates before and after cannabis legalization in Canada. As of May 2022, data out of Uruguay also demonstrated no sustained changes in youth consumption rates post-legalization. If Minister Holetschek is truly worried about the youth in a post-legalized Germany, he can look at the available data and hopefully sleep better knowing that his fears are unfounded.

Public Health

“Let me be clear: I firmly oppose cannabis legalization because of the serious health risks of this drug.” Minister Holetschek reportedly stated. “Legalizing cannabis and insisting on prevention is like starting a fire and then calling the fire brigade. The Berlin traffic light coalition can’t be serious about that.”

Those statements by the minister operate on the false assumption that if cannabis is prohibited no one will consume it. To use the minister’s own wording, the fire was started a long time ago and burns at all times regardless of whether prohibition is in place or not. There is zero evidence in Germany or anywhere around the world that cannabis prohibition lowers consumption rates. From the pure consumption standpoint, the real major difference between legalization and prohibition is that people are consuming tested and regulated products in the former scenario, and consuming untested products in the latter scenario. Clearly, people consuming tested products is far superior for public health outcomes compared to forcing all consumers towards unregulated sources.

“Experiences from the USA and Canada show that the black market cannot be dried up with legalization. Rather, the black market continues to exist.” Minister Holetschek also reportedly stated.

Again, Minister Holetschek is only giving part of the overall picture via the previously cited comment. Make no mistake – the unregulated cannabis market will never be 100% diminished in Germany or anywhere else, just as unregulated tobacco products will never go away 100%, and a whole host of other times like fake Rolex watches, moonshine, and other illegal items that are bought and sold around the world every day to some degree will never go away 100%.

Right now, 100% of the adult-use market in Germany goes through unregulated sources given the fact that all adult-use sales are prohibited. Meanwhile, in Canada, a recent study concluded that during the period of 2019-2021, consumers moved from the unregulated market to the regulated market at an increasing rate year over year, with over half of Canadian consumers (55%) now reporting that they obtain their flower exclusively from regulated sources.

Not only does the transition to a regulated market benefit public health directly via the consumption of safer products, it also provides a tremendous boost to local economies and public coffers. As of a year ago, the legal cannabis industry in Canada had reportedly created over 150,000 jobs, generated over $15 billion in taxes and fees for governments of all levels, and contributed over $43.5 billion to the nation’s GDP since the start of legalization. Again, those estimates are from a year ago and obviously have only risen since then. Minister Holetschek can stick to his talking points, however, as you can clearly see the facts are not on his side and policymakers all over the world would benefit from disregarding his opinions when it comes to cannabis policy.

bavaria, Germany

europe flags european

March 2023 Is Set To Be A Historic Month For European Cannabis

The next 32 days on the European continent could prove to be one of the most historic stretches of time for cannabis public policy and the continent’s emerging legal cannabis industry. Starting tomorrow, Malta’s government will begin accepting applications for non-profit cannabis clubs.

It’s a major milestone not just for Malta, which is the only country in Europe to pass a national adult-use legalization measure, but it’s also a major milestone for the greater European industry being that Malta is the first nation in Europe to set up this kind of national adult-use licensing system. It will be very interesting to see how many applications Malta receives next month.

Malta is not the only nation set to experience a historic March 2023. As every global cannabis observer already knows, lawmakers in Germany have worked very hard to make good on their coalition agreement component relating to legalizing cannabis for adult use and implementing a regulated adult-use industry.

Germany’s Health Minister Karl Lauterbach made a formal presentation of a legalization plan back in October 2022 and has since lobbied the European Union for its permission to proceed with an official introduction of a legalization measure.

What some observers seem to have overlooked, or perhaps forgotten about, is that roughly a month ago Minister Lauterbach reportedly confirmed a timetable for a formal introduction of a legalization measure and indicated at the time that he had ‘no reason to doubt’ that a legalization measure would be introduced ‘in the first quarter of this year.’

With February drawing to a close that puts the German adult-use legalization bullseye squarely on the month of March. Whether or not Minister Lauterbach’s reported timeline proves to be accurate or not is something that time will have to determine, although, there have been no meaningful setbacks reported from what I can tell as of the posting of this article.

Additionally, cannabis enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, investors, policymakers, and industry service providers are set to flock to Barcelona, Spain in March as part of the world’s largest super-event collaboration. The International Cannabis Business Conference has once again partnered with Spannabis, Europe’s top cannabis expo, to form another super-event that is a must-attend for anyone that is serious about succeeding in the emerging cannabis industry.

The International Cannabis Business Conference will host Spain’s largest cannabis B2B event on March 9th at the L’Auditori de Cornellà, with the after-party being held at the Hotel Arts (Ritz-Carleton) Barcelona. Spannabis will follow on March 10-12th at Fira de Cornellà. The super-event is the first large cannabis conference collaboration of the year. Whenever thousands of cannabis supporters get together and network good things happen, and that will surely be the case in Barcelona next month.

Cannabis policy and industry in Europe are both at pivotal points, and being that a legal industry cannot come into existence without reform occurring first, the two are directly tied to each other. If Germany does witness the formal introduction of an adult-use legalization measure next month, it will likely set off a wave of similar political activity in other parts of Europe and that will be good news for the continent’s emerging industry.

The same goes for Malta’s cannabis club application rollout. If Malta can successfully gather, review, and approve non-profit cannabis club applications, it will have set up a bureaucratic blueprint for other nations to copy. It’s nuanced but very significant.

We will all have to wait and see what happens for cannabis in Europe in March while doing our best to temper our excitement and expectations.

Germany, malta, Spain

International Cannabis Business Conference



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